- There’s been lots of media coverage about Reuters opening a bureau in Second Life to report within the popular virtual world. So, let me see if I’ve got this right: real world media is talking about real world media covering virtual news. This is either a strategic inflection point or completely insane.
- Reuters’ reporting in Second Life reminds me of when I worked for United Press International, when I got paid in virtual dollars.
- Gets it: The Washington Post. Doesn’t get it: Pretty much everyone else.
- Bad timing: Houston PR guy John Wagner moves to a house by a lake just in time for the entire City of Houston to become a lake.
- The Financial Times reports: “In terms of word count, so far this year 46 percent of the content on the (Business Week) website is exclusive to it, versus 33 percent in 2005.” That’s all well and good, but I really feel sorry for the poor schmuck who had to research and verify that statistic.
- CBS News’ blogging policy requires that “all personal blogs written by CBS News employees must be approved by either Linda Mason, CBS News Senior Vice President, Standards and Special Projects, or Sean McManus, the President of CBS News.” According to Public Eye, Mason said, "we can't have people having personal blogs venting their opinions." Too bad – over at Fox News, journalists get to vent their opinions on the air.
- Saw Bill O’Reilly's fawning interview with President Bush the other day. Where’s Chris Wallace when you need him?
- Editor & Publisher reports that, for the six months ending September 2006, daily U.S. newspaper circulation “will fall roughly 2.5% while Sunday will drop approximately 3%,” according to the upcoming Audit Bureau of Circulations report. The bad news is that was the good news.
Round Rock (Texas) Leader gets it as well. www.rrleader.com.
Posted by: Will Hampton | October 20, 2006 at 05:45 AM
There are the tall men as well and Lilliputians. However, what boots it? The truth didn’t change the size of my shoes.
Posted by: Tomas | October 21, 2006 at 04:57 AM