God: Creating the world in seven days was a piece of cake, but writing something meaningful in 140 character fragments is a real pain in the a...
SocialMediaGuy1: if you’re not using Twitter then you are obsolete
ADD: Twitter is the coolest what yeah Pounce is the greatest what totally you going to finish those fries
Dr. Phil: As if I wasn’t overexposed already
SocialMediaGuy2: Twitter is obsolete
Dubya: Which one of the Internets is this?
G24khamr: If someone who publishes a blog is a “blogger,” how come people who use Twitter aren’t called “Twits”?
PhilGomes: I hear that guy from Bladerunner is in another movie this summer called “Indiana Jones”
SocialMediaGuy3: Does anyone remember the URL for my blog?
LOL!! Good one.
Posted by: Rebecca | May 19, 2008 at 09:56 AM
Great stuff Gary, I love a good laugh in a day full of... actually, I laugh a lot, but this is great stuff
Posted by: Doug Haslam | May 21, 2008 at 11:33 AM